When you crave authenticity,
you spur ingenuity.
Make it count, make it real
to them ‘n you ‘n me.
We’re missing out on good stuff;
Sticky fingers, Tik Tok, fluff…
We’re missing out on rrreal stuff:
Callous, clever-ridiculous, rough!
You’re caught in confinement by impersonated thoughts.
One more short-short to watch - as if you’re gonna stop.
But you don’t.
You keep on reaching.
Keep on searching, swiping, seeking…
Through your autoplaying ride,
in your automatic life.
It's all so easy so long as you subscribe
to junkfood clips with thoughtless vibes.
So you tap on something funny:
Kitten, puppy, Easter Bunny!
But, wait there’s something more, you can’t resist the urge.
To pause and wonder at those mumblings you heard…
Comments like depth charges over Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
Gasping quotations with gorey inflammation;
Blamethrowers blasting: “Burn them!” Defamation.
You are executioners and juries:
You anonymously judge all.
Likes these Terms and Conditions:
Bang! Slams the Gavel.
Say it now and say it proud.
Right now, reader, read aloud:
“I am not a fascist: I’m uncertain of what’s right.
My moral sense is flawed like how I perceive the light.
History happened, so we best not delete it.
Because every rhymer knows cancellers will repeat it.
Humans existed before me with flawed ones in the rift.
Popular opinion is one I need not agree with.”