asterisk * = breath
Once upon a flowing rhyme
twas a universe-double lined with mine
where portmanteau connections swell
YesterDaight begEnds this tail:*
Catowl spied upon Hellven
sheHe studied the lightning-fire boltballs of goDevil ZeuSatan,*
surmising -that eating another half-half of VallhallOlympus enables reproduction.*
The moonsun was risetting overbelow landwaves
partially illuminated by starclouds - thus creating a seaclipse.*
Catowl flying on the prowl*
“Meo-Hooo! Meo-Hooo!”
Gophmouse scuffles uppa flurry!
Guppyfinch swallowed in a blurry
breakneck whirlwin’ swallow-whole spin*
“Sacré bleu!” ZebrElephant winniechortles*
Bearman cares less atop hisHis cancesticles
Boycub’s pubefur grew bluer down*
HeHe squeezegrabs remotodendron upramping TreeVee's luminosity through
commoding Pigecko insout Gerbilraffe*
disturbing BatBeetle ‘n BeetleBat
*Flipping a bit in -- introspection*
Science in art;
Darwinist intervention*
Atmospheripping outcries BelTirading EcAnger EcAnger EcAnger*
SeeView K2verist peak: The Titanic Chamber.*
with ClamHammering pause; grabsnatch’n mistbyss*
Snog waits patient -- cuz deez GodAnimals pissed.*
Foxrilla wonders what it would be like to die*
Pondering stoned Latin tablature texts
suggesting diversity made possible through sex...*
Peanutbutterfish finishes flopwaving a fluffurious fin-
while Pegasauraus rex attempts fa-holding hisHerHer arms in
*Push ‘em together “HNNNNNN ahh!! Ged-din!”*
While Walracoon wonders up at a star-fish reminission;*
a pixelatedepiction-n-detailedescription
consideRemembering WolfHen’s cannibalistiConniptions.*
Scrabbit jumpJacks like a self-tought-bad-habit
dropTrips cāRaddosh snax stum-tumbling grab-Snaps it
Frustration-rotations tumble-stagger-swagger
hizzz bushytail swings in an opposite pattern
of Grandfather Death’s miniStopCock*
point-blank Cuckukatweet chambportal unlocks*
*supernovAurora borealis, rainbows fountain feeding blackholes
shadowInversion healleviates kinomagnetic pushulls.*
Smowfwakes anti-gravitate clickpopping New Words in
semitonal clock-softening: formulaNewWorlds Inn* crickening pretensive
pretend-there:under where?*
We last sought but seldom-share a mating of meeting;*
virally clasped inner-mirror-seeking*
I ATE spinal-thinking*
Hey, I - might be thinking
a moment resyncing
versions plinkclinking heat’s fate in darkness.*
Sparks pepperdust cloudhues.
Perceive-order, and harness the story we’re writing:*
alive in decisions, thinking arriving:*
Vocal, vociferous - choices so wonderous**
In the dencoop Chickbee spits
knowing all-to-well Wolfhen's bullshit
who droplays an egg with wolfy ears
amid dirthay tears on hisher quilt-nest*
which shehe jumpounces
overwhelmed in guiltiness*
chomping bites, tail laid low
letting out a soulful cluckHowl
“cock a dA-WOOoooo”
which Chickbee cuts off all too soon*
Outhru windoor skyBeach gleamours**
Centaumerman, Mermadtaitore
standSit sitStand
lickTaste glrass bass-smash
a rockApple cutaken with grlass
PoundDing SnaillopShells Ba-Smash!
borrowed indefinitely brokefrumma shrubbertree *
injecthale snortAsh dipDust Vapliberally*
Creepy crawly cruddy muddy slippy slidey suction ploppy
tentacles undulate underneath Octapede *
Milipuss slithers sidelong underneath;*
The symbiotic pair flyfall up-down watAir.*
WindlySpindly Millipussian vibLegs
puncture purpTentacles brownOozing twitchPegs
prolapsumpulsing unfertilized eggs.* "ugg..."
Snackrill's signPost readShows "The Closed"
so Fruit loo's- unusable!*
Great-white pink-Sharkflingo's movements are so unusual.
*Swondawg eyes himSher nervous
lapping awkward downUp drinking
sniffing suspicious:
Sniff Sniff "What's that reflection thinking?"*
Catowl lay-drops a wingedEgg
flapcracking, freefalling
arcgliding float-diving
jellocean-bobbing surface arriving:*
crackvealing meowho's awoke-inside*
Blink-thinking birthEyes:
KittenOwlette stares into SpaceSky.